Author Archive

Vitiligo Clinical Research Study

Dr. Swinehart will soon be starting a new clinical research study with an investigational topical cream for treatment of vitiligo. For more information concerning the study, or to see if you might qualify, call the Colorado Medical Research Center at (303) 744-7000.

The Wonderful Fragrance ‘Elma’

Do you dream of a special sweet floral fragrance for those special occasions? ‘Elma’ has all of this, and more. We combine essential oils of Hawaiian Plumeria, gardenia, pikake, jasmine, rose, osmanthus (sweet olive) and vanilla for a most heavenly scent. If you are seen as a patient, please ask to try some on your skin! Call us at (303) 744-1202 to schedule your appointment today! 

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Are you experiencing thinning hair? This is often seen after pregnancy, menopause, change in hormones, or due to heredity. Treatments include Minoxidil, Spironolactone, Estrogen, and even hair transplantation. Call us at (303) 744-1202 for a consultation! 

10 Weeks to Healthy Skin

Would you like healthier, livelier, younger skin in only ten weeks? With a combination of facial beautification techniques, this goal is now attainable. Dr. Swinehart, a Board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, member of the American Academy of Dermatology, and past president of the Colorado Dermatologic Society, has spent 20 years perfecting these techniques and 10 years formulating, testing, and perfecting the Regine cosmetic line. With just one visit per week you can chance your life forever! 

Week 1.  

Initially, a skin consultation will be scheduled with Dr. Swinehart. At this time, we will analyze your skin, and design your customized 10 week plan—just for you! You may begin use of a moisturizing cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer by Regine®. A microdermabrasion will be discussed with you and can be commenced if you desire.  

Week 2.  

At this point, we can perform test spots for chemical peeling, dermasanding, or dermabrasion, and/or laser peels. You may also begin Regine® glycolic cream and may also need separately to start a retinoic acid cream or gel for your sun damaged skin. Another microdermabrasion may be preformed.  

Week 3.  

A Jessner’s peel or microdermabrasion will be performed, causing gentle exfoliation that lasts 1-2 days. The Jessner’s peel is often called the “model’s peel”. You will also test the Regine® powder, foundation, an/or concealer for your facial lines and blemishes, to find your exact color shade.  

Week 4.  

At this point you will begin a custom designed retinoic acid-glycolic acid-citric acid combination cream for more extensive sun damaged skin. You will continue use of your sunscreen. Also, vascular laser therapy can be performed at this visit for spider veins of the face.  

Week 5. 

An alpha-hydroxy acid peel or microdermabrasion will be performed at this time. This will cause mild redness and peeling lasting 1-2 days followed by gentle exfoliation.  

Week 6.  

Botox® can be injected into the lines on the forehead, glabella, and crow’s feet. The effects of this treatment last for 6-8 months. Collagen can be administered for finer facial lines.  

Week 7.  

The preoperative visit for your facial resurfacing or laser peel, as well as other procedures, will be performed at this time. Photographs, lab work, and pre and post op instructions will be given and all of your questions will be answered.  

Week 8.  

At this point, you will stop aspirin, and start your preoperative medications. You will continue using your retinoic-glycolic cream right up to the time of the procedure.  

Week 9.  

Therapy for your wrinkles, facial lines, and scars will be performed by laser, dermasanding or chemical peeling. At this point also, you may receive a upper lid “eye lift” (blepharoplasty) for excess eye skin, liposuction of the neck, and dermal grafting for deep scars or deep facial lines on the face.  

Week 10.  

We will see you again in the office. You will restart your sunscreen, and continue utilizing your concealer and foundation therapy. Finally, treat yourself or your significant other to the wonderful tropical floral Elma® and Florene® fragrances by Regine!  

Neck Lift

Are your saggy neck and jowls starting to look like your Thanksgiving turkey (when it was still alive)? We have a solution for this! We first perform tumescent liposuction with local anesthesia in the office, followed by a tightening procedure if needed. Call us today at (303) 744-1202 to schedule a consultation! 

Deep Facial Wrinkles

What about the really large facial folds and creases too deep to treat with a laser or peel? You need to first fill up the deep valleys before smoothing the skin. Fillers with hyaluronic acid dissipate with time. However, dermal grafts, using your own dermal tissue, are permanent. Dr. Swinehart is an expert in this technique, having performed many over the last 30 years. Call us for a consultation at (303) 744-1202! 

Do you have baggy or saggy upper eyelids?

This excess upper eyelid skin is usually a combination of loose/lax skin and small fat pads. Using a cosmetic procedure called a blepharoplasty, two small parallel incisions are made on both upper lids. The excess skin and fat are excised and small sutures are placed. This procedure is performed in the office under local anesthesia. You can go home that day and resume your normal activities! Call us for a consultation at (303) 744-1202! 

Hair Loss

Do injections of stem cells or platelet rich plasma actually grow hair? We’ll let you be the judge on those. However, the two medications approved by the FDA are minoxidil and finasteride. And hair transplantation using your own donor hair to create a new hair line and thicken the frontal scalp has been performed. Successfully for over 80 years. Call Dr. Swinehart to schedule a consultation today! (303) 744-1202 

Wrinkles Away!

  • For sun damage, hands & arms: superficial abrasion, Jessner’s & Salicylic Acid  
  • For Finer Facial Lines: Tretinoin, Jessner’s, TCA & Glycolic Acid 
  • For Deeper Wrinkles: Succession, Dermal Grafting, and Dermabrasion 
  • For Baggy Upper Eyelids: Blepharoplasty  

Call us today at (303) 744-1202 for a consultation!  


Today Dr. Swinehart performed a bilateral upper lid blepharoplasty, in which excess skin and fat are removed from the upper eyelids, decreasing the wrinkles, drooping and bulging of the eyelid skin. This cosmetic procedure is performed under local anesthesia in the office, resulting in minimal downtime. For a consultation, call us at (303) 744- 1202! 

Hair Transplant

Dr. Swinehart performed a large hair transplant this week. This was this patient’s 5th session over the course of 40 years, and he would be bald otherwise. Dr. Swinehart used 1, 2, and 3 follicular unit grafts to the hairline and anterior crown of the scalp to create a fuller appearance. Would you like to have more hair up front? Call us today at (303) 744-1202 to schedule your consultation. 

Outreach Clinics

Dr. Swinehart regularly participates in outreach clinics in La Junta, Colorado, and Goodland, Kansas. By participating in outreach clinics, Dr. Swinehart is bringing his expertise to different communities and ensuring that individuals in La Junta and Goodland have the opportunity to receive specialized care without having to travel far. Dr. Swinehart is at the La Junta office on the second Thursday and Friday of each month and at the Goodland office on the third Friday of each month. If you or someone you know is in the La Junta or Goodland area and would like to schedule an appointment during one of Dr. Swinehart’s outreach clinics, please contact our office at (303) 744-1202.  

Doctor Patient Care

At Colorado Dermatology Center, we are committed to providing you with the best dermatological care, ensuring that your skin is not just healthy but beautiful. Unlike many practices where time with the doctor is limited or you only see a physician’s assistant, at Colorado Dermatology Center, we understand the importance of spending quality time with each patient. You can expect a minimum of a 20-minute appointment with Dr. Swinehart. This allows for a comprehensive assessment, thorough discussion of your concerns, and the development of a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.  Please call our office at (303) 744-1202 to be scheduled.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Minoxidil or Finasteride not effective? That laser cap or laser comb didn’t grow hair? PRP or stem cell injections didn’t work for you? The definitive treatment for this condition is Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation. Dr. Swinehart has performed this technique for 30 years and was certified as a Fellow by the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery. Call us today for a consultation (303) 744-1202! 

Acne Scarring

Acne Scarring  

Possible treatments include dry ice cryotherapy, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels. Lasers are not as effective since they only penetrate up to 100 microns deep (1/10th of a millimeter). Hyaluronic acid fillers don’t last more than a few months. Deeper scars can first be filled in with Dermal Grafting using your own tissue from under the skin behind your ear. The surface can then be planed with dermabrasion under local anesthesia. Call us at (303) 744-1202 to schedule your consultation today!  

Excessive Sweating

Do you suffer from excessive underarm sweating? Possible solutions include: aluminum chloride 20%, Qbrexa pads, Robinul, Botox, or Microwave Ultrasound. However, if those are not effective, the sweat glands can be suctioned out directly under local anesthesia with the Tumescent Technique. This therapy has proven to be effective over the past 30 years for reducing underarm sweating, known as hyperhidrosis. For a consult call us at (303) 744-1202!

Age Spots

Age Spots

Do you have dark spots on your hands and forearms? If they are smooth to the touch, they may be lentigines. However, if they are dark & rough, they may represent pigmented actinic keratoses, and of course, we will evaluate also for the presence of melanoma in a lesion. To diagnose these, an in-person consultation will be required; we can then discuss various treatments with you. Call today to schedule your consultation: (303) 744-1202. 

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma  

Do you have a “sore that won’t heal” or a “scab that won’t go away”? These can often be confused with a previous insect bite, thorn, or other injury. Some have a shiny translucent appearance. Some can burrow deeply and are known as a “nodular ulcer”. Dr. S’s own grandmother lost her nose to basal cell carcinoma. For diagnosis, a biopsy must first be performed. Mohs surgery often has the highest cure rate. Sonidegib or Vismodegib can be prescribed for metastatic or inoperable tumors.  

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer is seen usually on sun-damaged skin, such as on the face, nose, lips, ears, eyelids, scalp, and hands/arms. It often is seen as a rough, painful plaque, or a dome shaped mound resembling a small “volcano”. These cancers often arise from actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous spots), which is why we treat these aggressively. Squamous cell carcinomas can often spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body and can even be fatal. For diagnosis an initial biopsy is necessary, followed by Mohs surgery for a higher cure rate. For a consultation please call (303) 744-1202.  

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma  

These sun-induced tumors often resemble a rough, dry, painful plaque, or a dome-shaped mound resembling a small volcano. They often arise from preexisting actinic keratoses, but can eventually spread to adjacent skin (eyes, nose, lips or ears), lymph nodes , or other organs. To diagnosis squamous cell carcinoma, a biopsy must be performed, followed by excision if positive.  


If your mole has an unusual shape, blue/black/grey colors, irregular borders, continued growth, or bleeding/scabbing, it might be an early melanoma. In women they are most common on the back of the scalp, neck, and back of calves. Up to 50% of melanomas can be eventually fatal, even with chemotherapy. Therefore, it is imperative for you to have a full body mole check and to remove/biopsy any suspicious growths. Call today for a consultation! (303) 744-1202. 

When should I have my mole removed?

We look at 3 things. 1) appearance- black/blue/uneven color; 2) History = damage, bleeding, scabbing, crusting, irregular border, dark spots, recent growth, and 3) your 6th sense. Dysplastic nevi = mole with an abnormal appearance. Photos & dermoscopy aside, the only way to know whether a mole is a melanoma or not is to remove it and biopsy it!  

Call for a mole exam today. (303) 744-1202 

“The World’s Most Beautiful Perfume”

Dreaming of a sweet floral for that special occasion? ELMA® contains real essential oils of osmanthus, plumeria, gardenia, pikake, rose and uanina! Absolutely heavenly!  

Email for more information.  

Problems with Cosmetics?

Many of us unknowingly develop acne, plugged pores, or allergies from the actual ingredients in all makeups, lotions or soaps/ shampoos. One major culprit is the “all-natural” cosmetics: you know, the ones where the ingredient list occupies the entire back of the bottle. Each additional ingredient increases your risk of allergy; it is also questionable whether or not bee pollen, placental extract, or cocoa butter can be beneficial, let alone be absorbed through your skin.

For a solution, consider the REGINE line of hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic cosmetics, with all ingredients voted “zero” on a master list of irritating & acne causing chemicals. 9 colors are available for the liquid makeup, contact powder, and concealer.    

Treatment of Acne Scarring

In order to treat deep acne scars we must first “fill up the valleys” and then “sand down the mountains”. Lasers only penetrate at most 0.1mm, and many scars are 1-2mm deep. Therefore, we first perform subcision and DERMAL GRAFTING to bring the bottom of the scars closer to the surface level. Next the skin is smoothed with a DERMABRASION using a rotating wheel under local anesthesia.  

Call (303) 744-1202 for a consultation.  

Treatment of Deep Wrinkles

Deep lines on the cheeks, chin, and between the nose and corner

of the mouth can be filled with DERMAL GRAFTS, taken from under

the skin behind the ear. The skin surface can then be smoothed by

dermabrasion for best results .

Cyst and Lipoma Removal

Tired of that enlarging lump which is becoming painful or

occasionally draining? These can sometimes be fatty tumors

or epidermal inclusion cysts. Smaller lesions can be removed

in the office under local anesthesia.


Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can, for unknown

reasons, develop after puberty or in early adulthood.

During the consultation, we will discuss means of

treatment including topical agents, Botox, ultrasound,

electric pads, and tumescent liposuction.

Actinic Keratosis

These precancerous spots, located in the epidermis in areas of

prior sun exposure, can turn into squamous cell carcinomas and

in some instances spread (metastasize). Dr. Swinehart will discuss

with you different approaches to these, including cryotherapy,

biopsy, and topical agents.

Mole Check and Removal

Malignant melanomas can necessitate removal of a large

area of surrounding skin, and in some instances can be

fatal. Many are on the back or in areas that you can’t see.

Would you like a full or partial body mole check?

Acne Scar Specialist

Do you hate the look of those deep, wide scars or

pitted large pores left over from your acne years?

Dr. Swinehart will discuss dry ice, peels, dermal

grafting, punch elevation, punch grafting, and

dermabrasion at your consultation.

Dry Ice Cryotherapy

This procedure has been performed for decades as a

treatment for acne and as part of a chemical peel

regimen. This simple procedure, performed in a quick

office visit, uses a cake of compressed gas (carbon

dioxide) dipped in acetone and applied to acne scars

by office staff.

Allergy Patch Testing

Do you continue to develop allergic dermatitis (eczema)

but are unsure of the cause? In approximately 50% of all

cases, patch testing, performed in our office, can uncover

one or more skin allergies. These painless patches are

applied to the back, like bandaids, and are read 3 days later.

Psoriasis Expert

For the 3-5% of the population with this disease,

psoriasis is no joke. It is embarrassing, itchy and

unsightly. At your consultation, Dr. Swinehart will

discuss with you topical agents, antibiotics, and

biologic injectables. Nearly everyone can be

greatly improved!

Elma Perfume

Are you looking for an alluring floral “Saturday night”

fragrance? The ELMA line, sold at the Colorado

Dermatology Center, contains 3 Hawaiian essential

oils, as well as rose, vanilla and sweet olive-wonderful!

(These essential oils are not for those with sensitive skin

or allergies to plants or fragrances).

Regine Makeup

Are you looking for a makeup line that is both hypoallergenic

and non-acne causing? Now you’ve found it! The REGINE line

contains only ingredients rated “zero” on a master list of

allergenecity and comedogenecity. Call us at (303) 744-1202

to make an appointment to discuss.

Acne Specialist

Are you tired of that stubborn acne or large cysts

on your face? At your consultation, Dr. Swinehart

will discuss various means of prevention (moisturizers,

cosmetics), as well as topical agents, oral antibiotics,

and cryotherapy.

Quick Appointments

Are you distressed by a long wait for an appointment?

Many practices are now corporate owned, meaning that

physicians may only work 2-3 days/week; plus, many practices

are short staffed. We have recently expanded our hours, with

a limited number of appointments available within 2-3 days.

Spider Veins On The Legs

Do you wish that you could get rid of your unsightly leg veins?

While larger varicose veins can be treated with laser or ultrasound,

smaller veins under 1/16″ wide can be treated with SCLEROTHERAPY,

in which saline is injected directly into each vein in an office setting.

Board Certified In Dermatology and Mohs Surgery

Many physicians and nurse practitioners can practice a little

dermatology, but patients often want to see a doctor who is

board certified in both dermatology and Mohs surgery

(micrographic dermatologic surgery).

Independently Owned Practice

Whereas most practices have been bought out by large Florida

or Colorado corporations, we are proud to announce that the

Colorado Dermatology Center is one of the few remaining i

independently owned practices in Colorado!

Sunscreen Expert

Which sunscreen is best for me? Sunscreen sticks are

often best for the face since they are less likely to cause

burning in the eyes. Sprays can be applied quickly and

evenly to large areas of the body. In contrast, creams are

often gummy, messy, tend to burn the eyes, get into hair

and clothing, and necessitate hand washing.

Botulinum Toxin

This chemical is used to temporarily paralyze the facial

muscles of expression, and is injected in the office for

treatment of glabellar frown lines, forehead lines, and

treatment of “crows feet” on each temple. In contrast,

deep lines below the eyes are best treated with fillers

such as dermal grafts or fat.

What Does “SPF” Mean?

The “Sun Protection Factor” (SPF) contrasts the time that

it takes to burn with a given sunscreen on your skin versus

the time that it takes to burn without any sunscreen. For

example, if you normally burn mildly in 30 minutes without

sunscreen, with an SPF 29 it would take 14.5 hours to burn

(29 x .5).

Hair Loss Specialist

Dr. Swinehart is a specialist in both male and female hair loss

and its treatnent.,Items to be discussed during the consultation

include finasteride, spironolactone, and hair transplants.

Spider Veins on the Face

Spider Veins ( known medically as as telangiectasias) can be

caused by varying percentages of hormones, heredity, and

sunlight. Smaller numbers of these can often be treated by an

office procedure known as electrodesiccation instead of a

more expensive laser treatment.

Neck Lift Combining Liposuction With Treatment of Frontal Neck Bands

Do you have a “double chin” or sagging neck skin? This problem can often be corrected

by a procedure under local anesthesia, where the fat is suctioned out, and the neck skin

is allowed to contract following undermining.

Cross Technique For Pitted Scars

Tired of your large pores? Small deep pitted acne scars can sometimes

be treated by the “Cross Technique”, in which a topical acid is carefully

touched into the large pore by the dermatologist.

Toenail Fungus Study

Dr. Swinehart is currently conducting a clinical research study

with an investigational topical medication for treatment of

onychomycosis (toenail fungus). To find out more information

about the study, or to see if you might qualify, call the Colorado

Medical Research Center at (303) 744-7000.

Atopic Dermatitis/Pruritis (Itching) Study

Dr. Swinehart is currently conducting a clinical research study with an

investigational oral medication for treatment of the pruritus (itching)

associated with atopic dermatitis ((eczema). For additional information,

or to see if you might qualify for the study, call the Colorado Medical

Research Center at (303) 744-7000.

La Junta and Goodland Clinics

Dr. Swinehart will be seeing patients in the La Junta office (2210 San Juan Ave.)

on April 13-14, and in the Goodland, KS office (910 Main) on April 21. Call

(303) 744-1202 to schedule an appointment.

Medical Assistant/Mohs Tech

We are seeking an experienced medical assistant/ Mohs tech to assist

with dermatology/dermatologic surgery in our Denver office (located near

Porter Hospital in S. Denver). Fax resume to (303) 744-0418.

Neck Lift

Do you have a “double chin” or sagging neck skin?

This problem can often be improved by a procedure

performed under local anesthesia, where the fat is

suctioned out and the skin is allowed to contract

and tighten following undermining.

MD vs. PA?

Are you tired of being told that it will be “months” to see the actual

doctor, but that you can see a physician’s assistant next week? In

our practice, you will see the physician at each visit! Call our office

at (303) 744-1202 to make an appointment.

Goodland Clinics

Dr. Swinehart will be seeing patients at the Goodland, KS

office on the following dates in 2023 (3rd Friday of the month):

March 17 April 21 May 19 June 16 July 21 August 18

September 15 October 20 November 17 December 15

Call (303) 744-1202 to make an appointment

La Junta Clinics

Dr. Swinehart will be seeing patients at the La Junta,CO

office ( 2210 San Juan Avenue) on the following dates in 2023

( second Thursday and Friday of each month):

March 9-10 April 13-14 May 11-12 June 8-9

July 13-14 August 10-11 September 7-8

October 12-13 November 9-10 December 7-8

For appointments, please call (303) 744-1202

Annual Skin Cancer Checkup

Do you have any suspicious moles? Or sores that won’t heal?

It is time to schedule your annual skin cancer checkup!

Call our office at (303) 744-1202 to schedule.


Mohs tech/medical assistant needed for dermatologic surgery office, S. Denver.

Part time or full time. Excellent wages and benefits. Prior back office medical

assistant experience required. Send resume to

Sagging Eyebrows?

To raise your eyebrows, give a brighter look, and enable you to look upward better, a ” Mini Brow Lift” can be considered, as these have been performed by surgeons for years. Though not covered by insurance, the results can be immediate. Call us today at (303) 744-1202 to schedule a consultation!

Receding Hairline?

If minoxidil or finasteride have not been effective in slowing this down, consider a “MINI-TRANSPLANT”. Instead of one large procedure, we can add a few micrografts in a session, often with less downtime. This procedure will be done by the physician, and not robotically or by a technician. Call us at (303) 744-1202 to schedule a consultation.

Neck Bands

As we age, many of us develop prominent “neck bands” under the chin. These are actually the PLATYSMA MUSCLE (superficial muscles under the skin).. These can be treated with LIPOSUCTION & SUTURING. Please call us today at (303) 744-1202 to schedule a consultation.

Sun Damage on the Arms and Hands

Too many years with the left arm out the car window? This type of sun damage can give rise to skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) or precancerous spots (actinic keratoses). We are able to treat this sun damage with peeling agents, SWINEHART’S PASTE, and cryotherapy. Call us for a consult today at (303) 744-1202.

Facial Wrinkles

Do you have fine facial lines from sun damage, but can’t afford thousand of dollars for a “Laser Peel”? In many instances chemical peeling, using a mixture of solutions tailored to your skin, can produce pleasing results as well. For a consultation, please call (303) 744-1202.

Outreach Clinics

Dr. Swinehart will be in La Junta, Colorado, at 2210 San Juan Ave., on Thursday and Friday, October 13 and 14 , and will be in Goodland, Kansas, at 910 Main, on Friday, October 21. For an appointment at either location, call (303) 744-1202.

ASDS Meeting

Dr. Swinehart recently attended the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), held right here in Denver! He attended a number of sessions on Mohs surgery, cosmetic surgery , and high-risk skin cancer. Call the Colorado Dermatology Center today at (303) 744-1202!

Scaly Dry Spot

Do you have a scaly dry spot that won’t go away? It could be a SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. Please call the Colorado Dermatology Center at (303) 744-1202 to have it looked at and to schedule a skin examination.

Medical Assistant

The Colorado Dermatology Center is seeking a medical assistant to work in its office in South Denver. Duties will include assisting with Mohs surgery and dermatologic surgery procedures, as well as general dermatology. This can be either a part time or full time position, with the possibility of some travel. Call (303) 744-7000 for more information, or email your resume to

Suspicious Moles

Do you have a mole that looks like this? If so, you should have it checked by a dermatologist. Call the Colorado Dermatology Center at (303) 744-1202 to schedule an appointment to have it checked out.

Suspicious Moles

If you have a mole that looks like this, call the Colorado Dermatology Center at (303) 744-1202 to schedule an appointment to have it looked at.

Suspicious Moles

Do you have a mole that looks like this? If so, call the Colorado Dermatology Center at (303) 744-1202 to schedule an appointment to have it looked at.

Mohs Technician/Medical Assistant

The Colorado Dermatology Center is looking

for a Mohs technician/Medical Assistant, to

start immediately. Training available. PT/FT,

M-F. Excellent pay. Call (303) 744-7000

for further information.

Dermal Grafting

Today (May 27, 2022) Dr. Swinehart performed a

“dermal grafting” procedure for deep acne scars on

the face. Dermal tissue is taken from below the skin

surface behind the ear, and inserted into tiny “pockets”

under each scar, creating a permanent, non-allergenic

graft to correct and elevate each sunken area.

Toenail Fungus Clinical Research Study

Dr. Swinehart, together with the Colorado Medical Research Center, is starting to enroll patients in a clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for treatment of onychomycosis (toenail fungus). To qualify, you must have the fungus on 20-60% of at least one of your big toes. For further information concerning the study, or to see if you might qualify, call Colorado Medical Research Center at (303) 744-7000.

Plaque Psoriasis Research Study

The Colorado Medical Research Center, with Dr. Swinehart as Principal Investigator, is currently enrolling patients in a clinical research study with an envestigational oral medication for treatment of plaque psoriasis . To qualify, you must have psoriasis on at least 10% of your body (1 handprint=1%). For further information concerning the study, call the Research Center at (303) 744-7000.

Acne Scarring?

Lasers and PRP (protein rich plasma) are

ineffective for deep scars. Dr Swinehart

is the only dermatologist in Colorado to offer



Outreach Clinic Dates

La Junta, CO (2210 San Juan Avenue): May 12-13

Goodland, KS (910 Main St.): May 20

For appointments call (303) 744-1202

April Clinics in La Junta and Goodland

Dr. Swinehart will be in La Junta April 7-8 at 2210 San Juan Avenue, and Goodland, KS April 15 at 910 Main Avenue. For appointments, call (303) 744-1202.

The Colorado Neck Lift

Does your neck have sagging skin with excess fat? If so, you may benefit from the “Colorado Lift” performed in the office under local anesthesia. Call us for a consultation at (303) 744-1202 today!

Medical Assistant Needed

Medical Assistant needed for the best dermatology practice in Colorado! Dermatologic surgery, MOHS, psoriasis. Outreach clinics twice per month. PT/FT, NS. Medical experience required. Excellent salary. Call (303) 744-1202 or email resume to

What does SPF mean?

SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, refers to the increased, or lengthened, time to sunburn after the application of a sunscreen, compared to the time that it takes to burn with no sunscreen at all. For example, suppose that you burn in midday in 30 minutes. Under identical conditions, had you first applied an SPF 29 sunscreen, it would take 14.5 hours for you to experience a sunburn (29 x 0.5).

Remember also that ultraviolet light increases approximately 4% for every 1000 feet in altitude – so, in Denver, we have 20% more ultraviolet light, whereas at 10,000 feet we have 40% more UVL! Because of our outdoor lifestyle, with 300 days of sunshine per year, we have the highest rate of skin cancer in the nation!


Congratulations to Dr. Swinehart for passing his MOHS Surgery boards on the first try! The exam, for certification in MICROGRAPHIC DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY, was given this fall for the first time by the American Board of Dermatology. Colorado has the highest skin cancer rate in the country, and skin cancer is our highest priority. Call us today for a skin check!

Hidradenitis Suppuritiva

These patients have painful “boils” originating from sweat glands in covered areas such as the armpit, groin, or under abdominal folds. The best treatment is often surgical, in which the glands are opened and drained or removed entirely. For a consultation, please call us at 303-744-1202.

Toenail Fungus

Do topical antifungals work for this condition? Some do, but to a very limited extent; the best topical is a mixture of thymol in chloroform, available only by prescription. Nails are like steel- very few chemicals can penetrate them. The best results for treatment of toenail fungus are seen with prescription oral antifungals, and these must be taken continuously for up to 12 months.

Alopecia Areata

The Colorado Medical Research Center is seeking patients to participate in a clinical trial with an investigational new medication, sponsored by a pharmaceutical company. Participants must have lost at least 50% of their hair. Labs, visits, and study medication are free to qualified participants. Please call 303-744-7000 for more information.

Treatment of Wrinkles

Deepest wrinkles:

Dermal Grafting, for deep lines between lips and nose, and chin lines;

Botox, for muscle lines on the forehead.

Medium wrinkles:

Rotary brush dermabrasion(not microdermabrasion).

Fine wrinkles:

Chemical peels, and lasers.

Sun Damage: the best cream is Tretinoin- NOT retinol or retinal.

Do “STEM CELL” injections work?

In a tiny embryo, Stem Cells are primordial precursor cells that differentiate (transform) into all other tissues as the fetus grows.

However, it remains to be seen whether or not mature fat cells, or even bone marrow cells, can transform themselves into hair follicles, knee cartilage, etc. in the adult. Much more research is needed to validate this concept.

Does Platelet Rich Plasma Grow Hair?

Your scalp is extremely vascular, meaning that it contains many blood vessels. Literally millions of platelets(clotting cells) normally move through your scalp each minute. So, how could the removal and subsequent reinjection of these same platelets grow hair when they failed to do so in the first place? Much further research is required to validate the effectiveness of the technique.

How to Remove Wrinkles

At the Colorado Dermatology Center we use a combination of:

Jessner’s solution, glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, retinoid acid, phenol, derma sanding, dermal grafting, and rotary dermabrasion by Dr. Swinehart.

Want the best? Call us today- WRINKLES AWAY!


The term “dysplasia” means “abnormal tissue development”. A dysplastic nevus (mole) refers to one with an abnormal appearance, including uneven pigmentation, irregular borders, black spots, bleeding, itching, and recent change. These are often removed to make sure that they have not progressed to a malignant MELANOMA. If you have any unevenly pigmented moles, please call us for a skin check at 303-744-1202.

August 2021 outreach clinic dates

La Junta : August 12-13, Thursday-Friday, at 2210 San Juan Avenue

Goodland: August 20, Friday, at 910 Main St.

For appointments at both clinics please call 303-744-1202

Acne Scars

Treatments include dry ice cryotherapy, subscision, dermal grafting, and wire brush dermabrasion in our office. Microdermabrasion and lasers do not go deep enough to treat acne scars; these work best for wrinkles. Call us today!

PA or Doctor?

Tired of seeing a PA instead of an MD? Tired of “TV” exams? Call today to see a board – certified Dermatologist in person!

How Do We Fix Deep Pitted Facial Acne Scars?

PUNCH ELEVATION for deep scars and large pores is a time-honored method for “filling up” these deep scars. Lasers never work for these deep pits – they can only go at most 100 microns ( one tenth of a millimeter), whereas many acne scars are 1-2 millimeters deep. With this method, small cores of skin are raised up from within the scar itself and sutured in place, filling up the scar permanently. We then can “sand down” the skin later to create a smoother surface. Call us today!


How do we fill in and puff up the deep creases on either side of your nose and mouth (nasolabial folds) without spending a fortune on fillers every six months? The answer is DERMAL GRAFTING. with this technique, small “julienne” strips of dermis are harvested under local from the hidden area behind one or both ears. When these are pulled through the areas under your wrinkles and fastened in place, they can provide PERMANENT filling of these deep facial lines! View the numerous photos on this website, or come in for a consultation!

Dermal Grafting

In order to best treat acne scars, we must both “fill up the valleys” and then “sand down the mountains”. The “valleys”, or sunken acne scars, are best filled with grafts of your own dermis, taken from under the skin behind your ear. These grafts are permanent and nonallergenic, since they are your own tissue. Call us today!

Subcision for Acne Scars

Sub (“under”) cision (“transection”) is an excellent method for undermining broad, soft acne scars under local anesthesia, allowing them to “float” upward and to appear less deep. Call us today if you have scarring from acne!

Better Skin

It’s time for your annual skin cancer screening! We will evaluate you for dysplastic nevi (abnormal moles), actinic keratoses (precancerous), melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.
We will also give you advice on treatment of sun-damaged skin and facial lines. Call us today for an appointment at 303-744-1202!

Basal Cell Carcinoma             Squamous Cell Carcinoma            Actinic Keratosis                       Melanoma                             Melanoma                                Melanoma


Skin cancer surgery and treatment of skin rashes and problems are essential services. We are happy to treat your Dermatologic needs and growth removals IN PERSON!
Call us at 303-744-1202 for an appointment today!


Patients with this disabling disease of the apocrine sweat glands experience painful boils and cysts in the armpits, groin, neck, and other body folds. Research is  being conducted on the use of biologic injectables for this problem. However, at the Colorado Dermatology Center, we have developed surgical procedures, performed under local anesthesia, that often are quite effective. Call us today!

Skin cancers do not stop growing!

In spite of the difficulties surrounding health care, Precancerous spots and skin cancers, including melanomas, continue to grow. Our Dermatologic Surgery office is open and has remained open.Our Building is cleaned daily and proper precautions are followed.

We will be in La Junta on June 11-12, and Goodland, Kansas on June 19. Call us today!